On Monday 21 June from 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm, a public event in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) will take place in the form of a keynote speech with the title “Digitalisation: a Foreign Policy Priority for Switzerland” by the Ambassador Roger Dubach, Deputy Director of the Directorate of International Law at FDFA, who will discuss about the Swiss digital foreign policy 2021-2024 and "digital self-determination" network.
The talk will be followed by a 60 min. interactive session with the 2021 Digital Law Summer School participants, three students from the "Research Sprint", of the Harvard / Berkman Klein Center (BKC) and a student from the transversal course of the University of Geneva led by Prof. Yaniv Benhamou. The idea of the interactive session is to discuss about this new network on the “digital self-determination” and the "Research Sprint" student project and reflect on the follow-up, e.g. in the form of a youth group interested in digital issues.
This event is part of the 2021 Digital Law Summer School of the University of Geneva that will take place virtually from June 21 to July 02, 2021.
1.45 pm : Welcome address by Prof. Antoine Geissbühler, Vice-Rector
1.50 pm : Keynote speech by Rober Dubach, Ambassador and Deputy Director of the Directorate of International Law of the FDFA
2.30 pm : Interactive session with students (and participants of the Research Sprint led by Berkman Klein Center at Harvard University and the transversal course "Understanding Digital" led by University of Geneva)

Yaniv Benhamou
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, attorney at law
Member of the Board of…

Admissions and registration
Conditions of participation: Participation is free of charge but registration is mandatory. The deadline for registration is Monday, June 21, 2021 (at 12.00 pm) (CEST ; Swiss time).
Online registration: available here.
Contact & informations
digitallawcenterunige [point] ch