
Public conference 


                                               Trade Secrets in the Digital Age 

                 Scraping data from websites: can it be trade secret misappropriation?


                                                                James Pooley

                    former Deputy Director General of WIPO / trade secret expert /

       past president of the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA)


  • Date/time: Friday December 9, 2022 from 4.15 pm to 5 pm


  • Location: University of Geneva, Uni-mail, Boulevard du Pont d’Arve 40, Room R280 (ground floor)


  • Format: in-person event / no pre-registration required (guest lecture given by James Pooley in the IP course taught by Prof. Jacques de Werra)


  • Informationdigitallawcenteratunige [point] ch

Admissions and registration

no pre-registration required

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Information: digitallawcenteratunige [point] ch