The AI Dialogues by Renaissance Numérique aim at gathering diverse stakeholders (key actors and experts, researchers/academics, companies, institutions, civil society representatives…) with different backgrounds (technicians, economists, sociologists, politicians…) over three days to address some of the questions AI governance poses in 2024.
It focuses specifically on two objectives:
1. Assist decision-makers in grasping the complexity of current and future uses of AI
by and for citizens, and to develop a vision and convictions on its governance
through constructive idea exchange.
2. Develop recommendations for public policy design and decision-making that seek to
coordinate actions at the various scales of AI governance (international, national,
These interrogation will drive discussions during three Dialogue, the first one being held at the University of Geneva.
Additional information about Renaissance Numérique can be found : here
Useful informations
Dialogue #1 will be held on the 26th of April 2024, on the following topic:
- Is an international AI governance achievable?
The discussions will take place from 9h30 am to 5:30 pm.
At Uni Dufour, 24 rue Général-Dufour, 1211 Geneva. Room U260, 2nd floor.
This first day of the AI Dialogue looks at the various tensions underlying AI governance initiatives and asks, Is an international AI governance achievable?
The Program will be available soon.
Yaniv Benhamou
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, attorney at law
Member of the Board of…
Admissions and registration
Dialogue #1 will be a closed session and not open to the public.
Contact & informations
digitallawcenterunige [point] ch