In order to create a space for interdisciplinary discussions and exchanges on the governance issues raised by artificial intelligence, the Digital Law Center has launched the AI Tech & Policy Talks (AITPT) online series in October 2020. During each session of AITPT, a presentation is made by a distinguished speaker on a topic relating to IA governance. The presentation is followed by comments made by two expert commentators and by a general informal discussion with the participants. The AITPT events are organized in English.
The DLC invites you to join us for the next session of our AI Tech & Policy Talks that will take place online on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm (CET ; Swiss time).
Prof. Lonneke van der Plas, Associate Professor at Idiap, will give a presentation on computational creativity. More specifically, she will present some of her recent work on the generation of novel concepts.
The presentation will be commented by Dr Andres Guadamuz, Reader in Intellectual Property Law at the University of Sussex, and Ana Andrijevic, Ph.D Candidate & Research and teaching assistant at the Digital Law Center.

Admissions and registration
Conditions of participation : Participation in the AI Tech & Policy Talks is free of charge but registration is mandatory. The deadline for registration is Monday March 28, 2022, at 12.00 pm (CET ; Swiss time).
Online registration: Closed.
Contact & informations
digitallawcenterunige [point] ch