Why participate?
On the 7th of March the Swiss population will vote on a law the Federal Council and the Parliament have prepared establishing an identification system recognized by the Confederation: the e-ID. The new e-ID law defines a unique identification procedure that can be used to make purchases or obtain services on the Internet in a simple and secure way (e.g. opening a bank account or ordering an official document). Opportunities that arise through digital identification will not only depend on a country’s implementation but also on the trust which its citizens have in its government and institutions. During this week, which follows the referendum, we would like to
– discuss the eID law and compare it to the one already implemented by other countries.
– discuss the population’s trust and willingness to adopt a national eID,
– get the perspective of a Swiss Consumer group and learn about the tech implementation and perspective of a digital ID provider,
– hear researchers’ point of view on the implementation challenges, possible solutions and research trends.
Finally, during a moderated wrap up session, we will try to identify and frame a challenge / use case on which the eID workgroup can solve with the support of research.
Infos pratiques
Prof. Yaniv Benhamou: panelist on digital identity for the C4DT DIGITAL ID WEEK, Legal
What does the law say? How does it compare to other countries? Interoperability of eIDs between countries? Where does the law evolve from here?

Yaniv Benhamou
Professeur associé à la Faculté de droit, avocat
Membre de la Commission de direction
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