The Geneva Digital Law Alumni & Career Forum is part of our 2021 Geneva Digital Law Summer School. The goal of the Forum is to bring together (virtually) our global community of alumni and to connect it with the 2021 Summer School participants so that students can learn and interact with our alumni.
The distinguished speakers who are all alumni of our Summer School will talk about their career path since their participation in our Summer School and discuss how the Summer School has contributed to their professional development and to their activities. They will also present their current Digital Law activities, their insights on substantive Digital Law issues and future challenges.
The Forum will start with a plenary session in the course of which each speaker will have 15 minutes to make their presentation. In the second part, we will organize parallel online sessions in order to have the opportunity to chat more informally and share thoughts and career tips with the participants. The Forum is designed in priority for alumni of our Digital Law Summer School who will have priority for the participation (space is limited).

3.30 PM |
Welcome & introduction Prof. Jacques de Werra |
3:35 PM |
Career stories of alumni of the Geneva Digital Law Summer School (plenary session) Evelyne Studer Matthew Nuding Anna Polomska Risler Policy Specialist at the Legal Investigation Support team, Google, São Paulo, Brazil |
4:40 PM |
Careers in Digital Law: What Opportunities, what Challenges… and what Career Tips? (parallel sessions) |
5:00 PM |
Closing remarks by Prof. de Werra (plenary session) |

Yaniv Benhamou
Professeur associé à la Faculté de droit, avocat
Membre de la Commission de direction

Jacques de Werra
Directeur du Centre de Droit du Numérique
Professeur à la Faculté de droit

Admissions et inscriptions
Conditions of participation
The event is designed in priority for alumni of the Geneva Digital Law Summer School / Internet Law Summer School. Given the format of the event (which shall make it possible to interact in the parallel sessions), the participation is limited (first come first served). Depending on the availability, other participants (who are not alumni of our Summer School) will be authorized to participate. Participation in the event is free of charge- Registration is mandatory (confirmation of registration and of participation will be sent in due course). The deadline for registration is Wednesday, June 23, 2021, at 12.00 pm (CET; Swiss time).
Online registration:
Contact & renseignements
digitallawcenterunige [point] ch