Michel José Reymond

Affiliated Researcher at the Digital Law Center & Lawyer in Geneva

Michel-Jose.Reymond [at] unige.ch


Dr. Michel José Reymond is an associate at Byrne-Sutton Bollen Kern since 2020, He is specialized in digital law and in particular on the extraterritorial reach of state regulations as applied to online activities.

Prior to entering legal practice, Dr. Reymond obtained his PHD from the University of Geneva following a dissertation on the jurisdiction of state courts over online personality torts (i.e. "libel tourism"). In 2015-2016, Dr. Reymond attended the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Havard University as visiting researcher under a grant from by the Swiss National Science Foundation. At this occasion, he published a research paper on the extraterritorial reach of the European Right to Be Forgotten (Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University Research Publication No. 2016-12 (2016)). 

Dr. Reymond's research has also focused on the technical and legal aspects of blockchain technologies. Having been one of the first lecturers on the subject in Switzerland in 2017, Dr. Reymond has notably published, with the support of three co-authors and of the Centre de droit bancaire et financier of the University of Geneva, a dictionary in French of the key terms used in this field (available online athttps://cdbf.ch/). As a member of the Commission Innovations et modernisation du barreau of the Geneva Bar Association, he has also helped organize several coding workshops and teaching modules for lawyers, to bridge the gap between law and technology. 

Dr. Reymond also regularly teaches at the University of Geneva, notably in the Digital Law Summer School where he presents the technical aspects of the Internet and of blockchain technologies.

As a practitioner, Dr. Reymond is also specialized in commercial law, with a particular focus on international contracts, jurisdiction and choice of law. His experience covers non-litigious matters (such as the drafting of contracts, dispute resolution clauses and general conditions) and litigation before both Swiss courts and arbitral tribunals. Finally, Dr. Reymond is experienced in the law of international civil service, as he has represented clients before both the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization and the United Nations Appeals Tribunal. He has also drafted legal opinions for international organizations and notably assisted them in revising their internal rules.