Diego Kuonen
Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Management
Member of the Board of Directors
Professor Dr. ès sc. Diego Kuonen, CStat PStat, founded Statoo Consulting in 2001 and regularly advises on the application of statistical engineering and thinking to mega data analytics ("big data analytics") for companies and government agencies in Switzerland and throughout Europe at operational, tactical and strategic levels.
In addition, he is currently Professor of Data Science at the Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM) of the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and founding director of the new GSEM Master of Science in Business Analytics program. Currently, he is also the senior scientific and strategic advisor on data innovation and data science for the Management and the Board of Directors of the "Office Fédéral de la Statistique" (OFS) in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, and co-author of the OFS data innovation strategy.
In the past, he was also President of the "Swiss Statistical Society" (2009-2015).One of his credos regarding data-driven analytics, data-informed innovation & policy making is the desire to bridge the gap between academic research and professional management practice to enable continuous improvement.
It is ranked in several global "Top 100 Influencers" lists of "Big Data", "Analytics", "Artificial Intelligence" and "Data Science", and is very active on Twitter.